Thursday, October 09, 2008

12 week challenge!

I have NEVER counted calories before and don't intend to go down that path BUT I thought it would be good to have some idea of what I have consumed today ( or will have by the end of the day) to my horror- I will be at least 277 calories over based on a 1200 calorie intake. I have done NO exercise today so that won't help but it has shaken me a bit. I didn't realise that I consumed so much. As I said- I'm not really going down that path and I don't vary much in weight and don't really need to lose much- but it has shattered me a bit- at least for the next 5 minutes until I have my next 'snack fix'!!!


Kek said...

Linda - don't fall into the crazy 1200-calorie a day diet trap. That's a stupidly low amount of food for an active woman. It might be OK for a couch potato.... Whoever creates those averages in online calorie calculators is a complete idiot. Few people could stick to that regime for longer than a few days, and then they'd be berating themselves for having "no willpower". Bah!

I'm a tiny 160cm tall, and I averaged 1500 a day, usually with a higher calorie day chucked in once a week, right throughout my weight loss phase.

Just from knowing some general info about you, I'd say you're right on track. Email me and I'll give you some specific advice... but believe me, there's no need to starve.

Unknown said...

I don't want to go down the track of calorie counting and I guess 1200 is rather low-however my daily activity level does vary and I know that I do eat a large amount of rubbish!!! Thankyou for your input- and I will email you.