Thursday, June 04, 2009

birthday Week!

This is the way to celebrate those milestones- celebrate ALL week!! Monday was a lovely day. During my 50's class one of the members leapt up on stage and rammed a 'birthday hat' ( felt with felt b'day candles on it!) on my head. Thus I did the whole class with candles flopping around me- hard to take someone seriously like that! Then the class and staff sang happy birthday when we had finished and about to enjoy our coffee. That evening was dinner out with our son, daughter-in-law and 2 granddaughters. Tues- dinner out with other family, Thurs- afternoon tea with friends, tomorrow- morning tea with sisters! lol- now I feel ancient!!


Kek said...

Happy birthday, Linda!!

Nothing like a week-long celebration we're everything's all about you.

Kristy said...

Happy Birthday Linda, sounds like a lovely week