Tuesday, February 08, 2011

Good intentions

I had all good intentions of either going for a run or the gym after a morning at TAFE. When I had finished there- I really didn't feel like doing either! Being the princess I am- I let myself come home instead.
However- to my credit- I did a workout of sorts at home. Ran up and down our drive (220 m) then did leg exercises inbetween. 20 mins later and I'm a bit 'over it'! However I did raise a sweat and it was rather nice doing something outside at home for a change.


Kek said...

Sounds like a pretty good workout to me, Linda.

Unknown said...

it wasn't bad- but probably could have done more. It's a balance isn't it? dishes ? exercise? dusting? exercise? washing? exercise?
see- a juggle the whole time!! lol