Friday, October 26, 2007

greetings from vienna!!!! the onlz problem i have is the kezboard has the z in the spot where the y should be! and all the directions on blogger are in german! so hopefullz this will get to zou all! having a lovelz time seeing heaps of spanish riding school stuff- just yummy yummy horsey stuff- i love it!!!


Unknown said...

Now you're just rubbing it in! LOL!!

Debstar said...

Ha! I know what you mean with the keyboards. All the keys with delete,shift, enter etc are in german too so you have know idea what keys will do.
In Italy it took us 20mins to figure out how to get onto hotmail and we had paid $6 for 30 minutes.

Unknown said...

Michelle- whats the point of going away if you can#t rub it in??? lol
deb- not sure how much this is costing me- but then again I#ve given up counting the cost it's far too scarey!!!