Saturday, April 17, 2010

finally did it!!

I've had this course- Exercise Fitness for the older population - for about 15months. All I needed to do was read the book, prescribe programs for 3 individuals and provide a dvd of me training someone who was one of these 3 people. Well....after the end of April I would have been out of date and would have needed to enrol ( and pay) again. So- today I bit the bullet and trained 'Stuart' (aka hubby) . 'Stuart' is 55 and has high blood pressure and is overweight and sedentary. Hubby is not 55, def not overweight, def not sedentary and does not have high blood pressure- so a fair degree of poetic licence was required! 'Stuart' did well but the horror of seeing oneself training someone is another thing!!! aggghhhh. Do I really look like that???? Do I really have such a scrawny neck????? Do I really look THAT old?????? yep yep and yep! Guess it's good to finally be honest with yourself- but majorly depressing! However I did get the video done!!!


Debstar said...

It sounds like you do procrastination very, very well.
As for the video, it lies, you are a chicky babe. If you have a scrawny neck it is because you need to eat chocolate again.hehe

Unknown said...

ahhhhh deb- i do love ya!! hehehe