Tuesday, December 27, 2011

War Horse???? Yes/No/Yes/No/Yes/No

We went to see the movie and I'm really not sure what I thought of it. The themes were incredibly corny and very predictable. The acting was wooden. The ending was like something out of War and Peace. All this seemed to clash with some very graphic and quite horrific war scenes. The one saving grace was the beautiful horse- lol- they always can save anything from ruin for me!
Did I enjoy it? Yes/No/Yes/ No- not really sure
would I recommend it? Yes/No/ Maybe
However- I didn't go to sleep in it. It wasn't boring and I am writing a blog about it which I never usually do!!
Has anyone else seen it?

1 comment:

Debstar said...

Haven't seen it and don't intend to. I keep seeing an ad. for it on TV and there is a soldier calling out "Be brave, be brave"; so corny, it has turned me off completely.