Tuesday, May 11, 2010

darn it!!

Lately my hip has been a bit sorer than usual. After my last run , a couple of weeks ago, I limped my way to the myotherapist for a bit of a tweak and stretch. It felt a lot better after that and with some long stretches it actually doesn't feel sore at all, So- now I'm in a dilemma! I didn't run last w/e cos I reckon it's the running that does it. It's still feeling good! I went to the gym last night and instead of running between exercises, I cycled ( ugh!! too hard!) My dilemma isn't really a dilemma- I know what to do but don't want to!! I'll see if I can hang out for another week before running again! lol


Debstar said...

Maybe you could still do it. Just take your zimmerframe along. lol

Unknown said...

I think the zimmer frame is a severly underrated piece of gym equipment!!!