Thursday, February 23, 2012


A boring title to a post that may also claim the same !
I've been spending most of my spare time on the bike! Gradually increasing distance but ever so slowly. Went for a lovely ride tonight- late arvo/ early evening- up to Warby. It truly is a beautiful spot. Now have to start fund raising for this bike ride- any suggestions? The team is doing some major fundraising but we still need to do some of our own. There's a local market so might have a stall there some time. Bunnings BBQ sounds like a good money raiser but not sure if I can get a spot before October. Suggestions gratefully received!!


Debstar said...

The Princess did the Bunnings sausage sizzle. It was hot and tiring and she came home covered in grease after cleaning hotplates.

Maybe you could ask a local business, like a car dealership to sponsor you and you wear t-shirts that promote their business.

Unknown said...

Great idea Deb- I'll pass that one by the team! Thanks