Monday, October 09, 2006


I had a really bad attack of the munchies tonight:(( eventually satisfied the cravings with a cooked banana, lowfat ice cream ( is there really such a thing???) and diet chocolate topping. I guess it's got to be better for me than the block of chocolate I would have previously consumed in my bad old days!!. Has anyone noticed the site counter on here???? Please give me a pat on the back- that was a mighty effort to get it there!!


Debstar said...

I found the only way I can overcome those night munchies is to just to go to bed. Bit hard if its only 6pm! Way to go on the metre. I've thought about putting one on mine but it looks like I would have to waste alot of time and actually use my brain.
By the way what are you doing with ice-cream in your house???!!!!

Unknown said...

low fat! low fat! low fat!!!!!
And it was from the bad old days before I became a reformed eater!
I have thought of just cutting my losses some nights and hitting the sack- a good idea

Kek said...

No, no linda - if you're going to have ice cream, it has to be the real stuff. The low fat stuff is always so disappointing...Here's how it works:

You go to the stupidmarket, spend 10 minutes standing in front of the freezer section where the 1-litre gourmet jobbies are, dithering over which one to get. Then you choose one, change your mind, put it back and grab a different one, walk to the register, then go back and change it for the one you picked up in the first place.

Then you go home and enjoy every single delicious mouthful. You eat way too much and feel slightly ill. So you throw the rest away and you won't be tempted to repeat the experience again for several weeks.

Or going to bed works too. :-D