Sunday, February 03, 2008

I think that finally my sore foot ( from maybe having something in it) is at last showing signs of improvement! Went dancing Saturday night which was the first time for about 2 months that I've worn heels! yah!!. My plantar foot though has been correspndingly bad!! It's a bit like kids- when one is horrid the other is an angel! I have been cycling which I figure can't really hurt either foot and I'm avoiding the leg press ( boohoo- I love the leg press and I was up to 100kg again!!) I'm going to have to get really serious and do regular stretching, icing etc,
Our granddaughter ( 5year old) started school on Thurs. She has also lost her two bottom front teeth. Having these two granddaughters has really made me wish I had our own two kids back again at this age ( at least for a day!).
Not much else going on here except work and some sleep and then more work again.


Debstar said...

They just seem too young to go to school don't you think? When you see some of the really little kids you just want to scoop them up and cuddle them.
Mind you when my kids started Grade 1 I was the one doing a tap dance at the school gates.
If I had the kids again even for one day I'd have to have them one at a time. All I can remember of those days was chaos and kids fighting....lots of fighting.

Unknown said...

wait til you have grandchildren- then all the bad bits disappear and you just remember the cute bits that make it all worthwhile- at least that's my experience. Mind you- teenagehood- yikes!!! That's another matter entirely- lock em up til they get past all that adolescent nonsense!!!