Sunday, March 09, 2008

I've got to a point with my workouts where it's so hard I'm losing motivation!! I used to love the assisted pullup machine but now I look at it with a feeling almost of horror!! I think I'll have to rethink what I'm doing and add stability to increase the difficulty rather than just go up and up in weights. My walk/running is going well though. It's little baby steps for me but at least it's progress. Went for an awesome walk/run on Thurs night. Along the Warby Trail ( disused rail track and now a walking trail) I walked 30 paces and ran 20 for about 30 mins and then just walked back. My foot didn't hurt at all while doing it but the next day was a different story! However a Nurofen seemed to help and I've done other bits and pieces on it since then. Had a 10k walk today and that was awesomely hot and sweaty!!

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