Sunday, May 18, 2008

We've just had a night at Echuca and so I have to show you the latest acquisition to my 'herd'. I do have a confession to make though. It's a very 'senior' confession. I have no idea where I've put the rest of the horpees. ( granddaughter speak). I've tidied them away and really don't know where they are and haven't had time to thoroughly look. I've NEVER done that before!!
Got an exciting day on Tuesday- my first 'grandparents morning tea' at my granddaughter's school. I've been waiting for ages for this to happen! Tuesday I become an official granny! David ( son) thinks I should take a walking stick so they know which group of visitors I belong to!!


Debstar said...

And that just goes to show that you should never tidy the house.

Kek said... must have put them in A Safe Place. You know that's fatal.

Debstar said...

Have you been tagged yet? You better get going & whip up something healthy to show us.