Saturday, August 14, 2010

I'm being so happy- hap, hap, hap, hap, HAPPY!

well....after 2 and half years it finally happened! My 'glass foot' is now no longer! After all that time of soreness and being sure something was in it- despite ultra sounds and digging by drs- and after the past couple of months having it 'shaved cos it was a corn ( dr no. 1) and burnt cos it was a wart ( dr no. 2) - at last I finally found it! Thinking it was a piece of skin I pulled and out came a shard of glass! About 1 cm long and reasonably wide. no wonder it had been hurting!!! It's onward and upward from no on. I'm just so happy- hap-hap-hap-hap happy!!!


Sue said...

Congratulations on the find, did you check for any loose change or your watch while you were there? That must have left a good sized hole, 1 cms, Jesus.

Debstar said...

Just goes to show, doctors should listen more to their patients, 'cause chances are they know their own bodies better than anyone else.

Very, very happy for you. Time to run and run and run.......

Unknown said...

Sue- I'll go and have another look! Might make my fortune! lol

deb- and keep running!! Yaaahhh

Kek said...

OMG, Linda.... unbelieveable! How could they not FIND that??!!

I'm so hap-hap-happy for you - you'll be running everywhere in no time. Woohoo!

Kristy said...

How strange, but what a relief you must feel Linda

Miss Positive said...

That must be a huge relief Linda! Glad you found it :)