These two boys are my nearest NEIGHbours (lol couldn't resist that!)
They keep looming over the fence when I put our dog in his pen. I relented and gave them some apples and now they are whickering at me every time they see me! They have escaped from their home into next doors paddock and are not very well looked after. The chestnut is awfully skinny- I'm tempted to buy some chaff and give into their emotional blackmail!! They are just gorgeous!
Oh they are beautiful. Feed them the chaff. Maybe they'll do what cats do and leave their owner for the person who will feed them better (you in this case).
Hmmm....they're a bit big to sit on your lap when you watch tv and to sleep on your bed!!
Forget the chaff, get a bale of lucerne hay and chuck a biscuit over now and again - poor babies. Does anyone take their rugs off and brush them?
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