Wednesday, June 11, 2008

I've had two good days at my old gym! Last night had a workout ( a bit like going 'home') It's strange to be working out in a different environment and with men. I can understand how many women feel daunted in this type of gym. It's never bothered me in the past and really is ok now- but it has a different 'feel' about it. Must be all the testosterone flying around!
This morning set off to do a 6.30am cycle class. I must say I took it fairly easy. While the others were straining and obviously setting their resistance high- I was sort of cruising. I tell myself it's because I don't want to injure myself but in reality I think it's because I don't want to feel the pain of 'effort'! There- how's that for being truthful!! Next time I'll do better.


Kristy said...

Linda, I know what you mean. I am trying to work out tonight if I don't want to do sprints because I am scared of injury or because I want a night off and am being a wuss. I am very lucky I haven't injured myself yet, but hear so many people do it...How do you injure yourself? Do you get notice beforehand or does it just happen?

Debstar said...

I generally start off in those spin classes taking it easy but the minute they start doing hill climbs I have to push it as hard as I can. I just can't help it I so love the hill climbs in fact I reckon I could do a full hour of hill climbs. I hate the sprints.

Kristy- I once tore my calf muscle when I stopped suddenly during a sprint. My calf muscles were tight at the time but I didn't think they were that bad. If you have the money you could think of getting a massage done to those legs.

Unknown said...

I think you can feel an injury in both ways- slow onset when you know you SHOULD stop and then 'WHAM' it's too late! or... you feel 'PING' and you know you are in big trouble!!! As I've got older I injure myself more easily and take much longer to heal. I've learnt to listen to my body and read the signs which makes me back off more readily than I sometimes need to.

Unknown said...

Deb- you're a masochist!!

Kristy said...

Yuck Deb, that sounds painful

I am still investigating private health as i know that makes massages a little cheaper, but still haven't got there...

Kek said...

Linda, maybe you need a trainer? :o) I know I work harder when I have to report to someone.

Or even a training partner helps. Who wants to look like a sooky-la-la in front of an audience?

SeLiNa said...

LOL!! Even if I think I might need an easy RMP session, once I'm in there and the musics going, Look out........
Next time you'll make up for it ;P

Unknown said...

I absolutely need a trainer cos I know full well I can do more but the old head screams- nooooooooo! I have actually paid for 12 personal training sessions at my gym and now have 5 left. I'm just having trouble finding the time when the trainer I want is available. I know I sound a real wimp but I am aware that I will push myself if someone is standing over me to my absolute detriment! I've seen how some of the trainers train and I wouldn't want to put my body under that much strain!!