Wednesday, July 08, 2009

baby news- no 2!

Still no baby news! Now 4 days overdue. It's hard to settle at anything not knowing if we're about to be called for grandparenting duties or not. We're basically on call for night time and her mum will do the days. I'd forgotten how everyday 'over' seems like an eternity!
Wow- it was cold this morning!! At Lilydale ( 10 mins from us) it was -3 degrees. Probably we were colder. Everything was white and pretty but oh so cooooolllllddddd!!! Come on 3 weeks- then I'll be heading for the warmth- and may never come back!!


Kek said...

It was MINUS 0.5 at the closest weather station to us yesterday...and I reckon it's a fraction colder here, since it's so open. Brr!

Hope baby arrives soon - waiting is very tedious!

Kristy said...

Fingers crossed for baby soon. Oooh how exciting! I can't wait to see baby photos