Monday, July 13, 2009

Cleaning up

I didn't go to work today as I'm still not 100%. lol- I'm such a sook when I don't feel well! In my tidying I came across a couple of training diaries I briefly kept back in 2002 and 2004. Well.... my diet hasn't improved but I was amazed at my lack of exercise!! Not that I was idle ( guess that goes without saying seeing these were 'training' diaries'!!!) However compared with now I was hardly doing anything! maybe working out ( like walking/running or doing a class) 2 x a week! This past week I haven't done anything cos I'm not well ( sob sob- see I told you I was a sook!) but normally I do something everyday and love it. The diaries were a reminder though- at how easy it is to think you're doing so much and training hard when in actual fact you are being soft. A timely reminder not to slip back into that mindset again. I'm fitter , more toned and lighter than I've ever been and less injured- probably because I'm training systematically and regularly and doing a range of different activities- anyway- for me it's working!

1 comment:

Kek said...

I'm a sook when I'm sick too, Linda...I think it's because I'm hardly ever sick, so when I am, I just don't cope well. That's my excuse, anyway.

It's always nice to get proof that you're stronger and fitter than you used to be. LOL.